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Karen Nachay and Margaret Malochleb | September 2018, Volume 72, No.9
Food expo exhibitors showcased ingredients created to help food and beverage formulators deliver on consumers’ expectations for taste, texture, and nutrition with products that are clean label, plant-based, and lower in sugar.

Stevia Blends Offer Sweet Solutions
The KetoseSweet+ line of sweetening systems—made of low-calorie sweetener alternatives—is one of the latest additions to the sweetener lineup from Icon Foods. One of the components of the sweetener is the monosaccharide allulose, which is 70% as sweet as sugar but reportedly has the same temporal profile as sugar. Three versions of KetoseSweet+ are available: a blend of allulose and stevia, a blend of allulose and monk fruit, and a blend of all three. In addition to KetoseSweet+, Icon Foods offers many other sweeteners that allow manufacturers to reduce the amounts of added sugars and calories in food and beverage products. Some of these include Erysweet+ stevia and erythritol blend; CocoSweet+, a blend of stevia and coconut sugar; and Fructevia, a blend of fructose, FOS, and stevia.
Attendees had a chance to pick up a copy of Guy Gone Keto by Thom King, the founder and CEO of Icon Foods. King, who was on hand to autograph copies, wrote the book to explain his experience of converting from a typical American diet to a ketogenic diet. The book also details tips for reading and understanding food labels and recipes and meal plans that fit into the ketogenic diet.