Icon Foods TRUTH Bill Proposes Front-of-Package Labels

Proposed TRUTH Bill Advocates for Front-of-Package Labeling

Proposed TRUTH Bill Advocates for Front-of-Package Labeling Front-of-package labels have made it to Congress! Senator Richard Blumenthal from Connecticut and Representative Jan Schakowsky from Illinois recently presented the Transparency, Readability, Understandability, Truth, and Helpfulness (TRUTH) in Labeling Act to Congress. This proposed act would mandate the FDA create new front-of-package Read more…

Big Sugar Fights Back | Erythritol Insights by Icon Foods

Big Sugar Fights Back…

Big Sugar Fights Back… There is no denying that over the past six months the sugar industry and large CPG’s have been under attack. This started when the FDA proposed a new definition for the term “healthy,” which created a huge divide between big food makers and nutritionists (1). The Read more…